
Technische Universität Graz - Schulich & Science Only

Wander through the beautiful historic city centre of Graz and enjoy some traditional pastry or visit one of the amazing restaurants in the official European "Capital of Delight".

Austria's second largest city has over six universities which makes it a lively student centre. TU Graz is the only university in Europe to have a state accredited body that is authorized to test and certify medical products, according to European standards and regulations. TU Graz is a research-intensive university ranked among the top 151-200 universities worldwide in Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics, and in the top 250-300 for Computer Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering (QS, 2016).  The city of Graz, which is located close to the Alps and around 200 km from the Mediterranean Sea, also has a lot to offer. Visit the 1000+ year old castle on the "Schlossberg" in the middle of the city, which offers a marvelous view over Graz and the surrounding area, or check out one of the many museums and galleries.

Key information


Graz, Austria


English, German


Fall, Winter, Academic year

Program type


Application information

Application status



2022-2023 applications

First come first considered for remaining spaces until

Winter 2025: August 15, 2024

University-specific additional requirements

2024-2025 applications

Open November 1, 2023

Student experience

Click on the image to read a testimonial from Frieda, a past UCalgary exchange student!

Program details

Areas of Study: TU Graz has a variety of Engineering & Science programs including Astrophysics, Biochemistry and Chemistry, Biomedical Engineering, Biotechnology, Cellular Biology, Chemical Physics, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Earth Science, Electrical and Informational Engineering, Geodesy, Geology, Geophysics, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Natural Sciences, Physics, and Plant Biology. For a full list please see: Bachelor Programs or  Masters Programs (TU Graz offers 14 Masters programs taught entirely in English)

You can search for courses taught in English at: Exchange students at TU Graz are allowed to take both Bachelor’s and Master’s courses without any restrictions.

Additionally, students may be able to take 50% or less of their courses at the University of Graz (about a 13 min walk away) through their intra-Graz academic network. 

Course requirements:
In Europe, full-time course load is typically 30 ECTS (European credits), and exchange students at TU Graz are typically expected to take 18-30 credits per semester. 6 ECTS = 3 UCalgary units (1 half-course). 
The amount of credits each course is worth corresponds to the workload/contact hours, and can vary from 1-30 ECTS per course, so please be mindful of this in your selection. 

Students  are strongly encouraged to contact their academic advisor for any other specific transfer credit information.

Student Tips: "In general, the academic environment is more formal. Eating during lectures is a faux-pas, and questions are generally saved to the end of the lecture. To conclude a lecture, instead of applause, it is common place to tap the table as if you are knocking on a door. Class sizes [were also] significantly smaller (5-10 people)."

The academic year is divided into two semesters:

  • "Winter" semester: October to late January/early February
  • "Summer" semester: late February/early March to early July
  1. Costs

    Exchange students pay their tuition and academic fees to the University of Calgary. Other expenses are paid directly to the service provider. Also, remember to include things like visas, insurance, vaccinations etc in your budget planning.

    Students should budget an estimated €800 per month for accommodation, living costs and other personal expenses. Also, remember to include things like visas, insurance, vaccinations, etc. in your budget planning. Please Note: See "Semester Dates" for information on the Austrian visas. 

    TU Graz offers a "Mensa" (Cafeteria), and there are a variety around the various campuses of Graz. These offer a very different "cafeteria" experience, with a variety of nutritious and delicious meals for a very reasonable price. Mensa meals consist of a main course with salad and a soup or dessert for under 5 euros, with reduced costs for students. For more information, visit the Mensa page

    Graz Cost Comparison vs Calgary

  2. Funding

    Did you know that you can take your UCalgary funding with you on exchange? 
    Since you remain a degree seeking student at UCalgary while on exchange you remain eligible for any awards and scholarships you are eligible to receive from the university as well as student loans.

    Our office administers several awards, including the Global Access Fund (based on a funding-first model where students apply prior to committing to a global learning program) and the Global Learning Award (students apply after being accepted to a global learning program; the amount varies year-to-year as the money is split among chosen recipients). Students may only receive these awards once. Please see the funding page, linked below, for more information.

Graz offers various accommodation options for exchange students including student housing and flat shares. For more information, visit the Accommodation page. Monthly accommodation costs range from €315 to €505 per month.

The earlier you start looking for accommodation, the more options you will have. Also be sure to make your payments in time, otherwise you cannot be guaranteed a place organized by TU Graz's International Relations and Mobility office.

There are a variety of options here:

  • OeAD WohnraumverwaltungsGmbH provides in-depth descriptions of different student housing in Graz. You can register for a room directly on the website.
  • The Austrian Student Union has a list of all student housing in Austria. In case you don’t know, the City of Graz is in the County of Styria (Steiermark).
  • There are also external accommodation sites, which can be viewed on the "Where will I live?" section. 

Student Tips: "With respect to climate: one day the temperature high was about -1 C, and the city issued an extreme cold warning. With respect to transit: it is a small city, and possible to get around on foot or by bicycle."

This exchange is open to regular, full-time students in Schulich School of Engineering and Faculty of Science at UCalgary, who have completed at least 1 full year (10 courses) at the post-secondary level, with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.

For courses in English, no German skills are necessary, however if you wish to take courses in German you must have completed at least two 300-level courses in German (4 semesters of German or equivalent language skills). A language level of at least B2, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR), is also acceptable. Certification of language proficiency may be required. (see "Additional Information/FAQs" for pre-semester course details).


Do I have to speak German?

If you are taking courses in English, no prior knowledge of German is required for this exchange. If you wish to take courses in German, please review the eligibility section for more information. 

What options are available for improving my German at TU Graz?

Before every semester Graz offers intensive German language courses at different levels. The courses cost €260 for exchange students. Students also have the opportunity to do German language courses during the semester for a fee. 

What resources are available to new students?

TU Graz offers helpful orientation sessions before each semester explaining some of the formalities of your exchange, the Austrian university system, and tips for living and studying in Graz - it is mandatory to attend as important information and registration processes take place at this time. There is also an Intercultural Orientation session.  

What's special about Graz?

Museums, armouries, and botanical gardens; annual music and art festivals; a vibrant cabaret scene. It's understandable that Graz was named the European Capital of Culture in 2003. The city is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site, in part because of its well-preserved medieval city centre. Additionally, Graz's setting near the Alps has made it an active stop on the European train network. For instance, from here it's only an hour to Maribor, Slovenia, or four hours to Venice, Italy.

There is great information on their Living in Graz page.

Please also view our student testimonial about TU Graz. 

Student Tips: "Very extensive sports courses in a huge range of activities (skiing, diving, climbing) were all available at a very low cost to students. Lots of orientation activities were [also] planned. Additionally, the mayor hosted a reception for all incoming foreign students. Casual, bi-weekly meetups took place in a local pub."

TU Graz offers support for students  with temporary or permanent accessibility needs, and provides support for accessible learning as well as for those with chronic conditions. 

For information on accessibility of campuses across Europe, ESN has created Inclusivity Mobile which allows you to check the accessibility of universities and cities across Europe. For city-specific services and places in Europe, the Jaccede interactive platform (website and/or smartphone app - both Android and iOS) also provides a searchable user-built database to identify important accessibility information of public places and locations.

Have questions?

Global Learning 101

Please watch this short YouTube playlist before reaching out or booking an appointment. In these videos, you will learn much of the basics about Global Learning, which may answer your initial questions.

Watch Global Learning 101

Academic Advising

Before applying to study abroad, you should ask your academic advisor how this program might align with your degree (e.g. best time to go, what courses you need).

After you are accepted, you should ask your academic advisor more specific questions about courses/transfer credits. It’s also recommended to follow up with your advisor again once you return to Calgary.

Find your academic advisor

Global Learning Advising

If you have questions, please reach out to our office! We offer drop-in advising for general inquiries, and if you have questions about this specific program or any others, you can book an appointment with the responsible advisor.

Please use the link below to find the most up-to-date information about our current advising options.

View the Global Learning Advising page

The exchange advisor for this program is: Flavien Niederst

How to Apply

Download the application guide

This PDF contains information on how to complete your application and what to do after you have applied.

Application guide

Identify three programs of interest

We recommend applying for your top three programs for the priority application deadline, as placement may be competitive. We will assess your applications in ranked order.

Check requirements and deadlines

These may vary by program, so check the individual program pages and make sure that you are aware of any different application deadlines or eligibility requirements.

Start your application

Once you have gathered everything you need, you can begin your application!

Please note: Applications will not be considered complete until all required documents are submitted in full.


International travel presents challenges that may not be found when attending classes on campus. There may be a lack of resources, emergency services, hospitals, accessibility issues and/or demands on the physical and the mental self, all of which can challenge individuals when away from their usual support systems and structures. Adequate preparation is essential.

For this reason, it is imperative that you evaluate all aspects of your own physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual condition against the rigors of the particular global learning program you are selecting. If you are unsure of whether or not this program is a good fit for you and/or if you have any circumstances that could impede your enjoyment of the program, please contact us. Our Global Learning Advisors will be happy to assist in finding the best options for you and arrange any supports or accommodations necessary to ensure your success.

If you have or are seeking a certificate from Student Accessibility Services, you should provide this early to your Global Learning Advisor to ensure that the option that you are seeking can support your needs.

Please note: All participants must adhere to COVID-19 and other vaccination-related requirements for the destinations visited on this program. Failure to do so may have consequences such as being denied access to accommodation/housing, program activities, or to the host country itself.